
2742 Views - 1 Quiz (14 Questions) - 0 Video

Last Update: 01 September 2020

Primary3 - (English - Connect)

Unit 1: I feel happy! Measurements: centimeters and millimeters.

Quiz Unit 1: Measurements


There are 10 millimeters in a centimeter.

I am 127.4 cm tall. = I am 127 centimeters and four millimeters tall.

This is my hand. My finger is 5.4 centimeters and my thumb is 4.2 centimeters.

Adam, Fareeda, Maged and Lara measure how tall they are. Maged is 128.4 cm tall. Adam is 132.4 cm tall. Lara is 130.1 cm tall. Fareeda is 125.3 cm tall.